Caring for works of art with attention to detail

Conservation, Restoration, Preservation

Welcome to my website

Paintings are my passion and I have been fortunate to treat works of art dating as far back as the 1300s up to the present day. As an easel paintings conservator, I have a deep understanding of the materials within a painting, and how they interact and change over time. Alongside this is an appreciation of the social and historical significance of works of art and their place in our culture and heritage.

My role as a conservator is to choose the most appropriate treatment which may involve conserving areas of degradation, restoring areas of loss, and implementing preventive measures to slow down the rate of deterioration as much as possible. These decisions are balanced together with aesthetic considerations, and the role that the work of art fulfils for its audience.

Our Restoration Services


Cleaning, revarnishing and retouching a painting requires technical knowledge, a skilled hand, and an outstanding visual understanding of desired and appropriate aesthetics. Cleaning may involve removal of surface dirt, or removal of old discoloured varnishes, and old retouchings. Current retouching practice reintegrates areas of existing loss or damage using reversible materials.


Craquelure describes the pattern of cracks that form in paint due to chemical changes and interactions with the canvas or board it has been painted on. Edges of cracks can lift and lead to flaking paint and paint loss, which require re-adhering to the support. Current conservation practice prioritizes stabilizing paintings often with local consolidation to affected areas being the most appropriate treatment.


Canvases can fail at the tacking edges or suffer tears, and wooden panels can fail at their joins or split. Current conservation practice respects the original integrity of all materials used by an artist with an aim to intervene with as little impact on original materials as possible. For example, a local tear mend in a canvas may be more suitable than lining. Preventive conservation should also always be considered.

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"Ready to talk to me about your painting and its conservation? Contact me today

Entrust your painting with an accredited member of ICON

Entrust your painting with an accredited member of ICON

ICON is the professional membership body for the conservation profession working to safeguard cultural heritage

Your painting will receive the highest level of care and attention.

I am driven by a relentless pursuit of excellence in every aspect of conservation I carry out. My commitment to high standards is the cornerstone of my practice, and I carry out work with dedication for both institutions and private owners.

I have a discerning eye and a passion for perfection. Every crack, change, or complexity within a painting becomes a challenge I eagerly embrace, knowing that the longer I spend time really looking at a painting, the more I can learn about its materials, techniques, and physical and conservation history. Through careful examination of the painting and discussion with the owner I can propose the most appropriate conservation treatment.

I enjoy that my practice combines traditional craftsmanship with research-led innovations in conservation materials and techniques. I take pride in my careful and considered approach, and feel fortunate to have had such a varied experience and career so far working for and with some of the best conservators, conservation scientists and technical art historians in the UK and internationally.

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    Hand holding Paintbrush